Himalayan Yoga Master, Co-Founder Akhanda Yoga
Himalayan Yoga Master, author and founder of Akhanda Yoga, Yogrishi Vishvketu (Vishva-ji) is known for his infectious laughter and stories. He offers students a profound yet accessible approach to the yoga tradition, inspiring people to connect to their true nature, which is fearless, blissful, joyful and playful. He combines all aspects of yoga in his classes, including asana, pranayama, mantra, meditation and themes that connect to yogic wisdom. A yogi at heart, Vishva-ji has studied and practiced Yoga in the Himalayas since the age of 8 and holds a Ph.D. in Yoga Philosophy. He is the author of Yogasana: The Encyclopedia of Yoga Poses (Mandala Publications) and AkhandaYogaOnline.com, an online platform for Akhanda yoga classes, pranayama, mantra, yoga nidra and wisdom talks.
What mantra do you live by?
My favourite Upanishadic saying is “Isha Vasham Idam Sarvam.” It means Divinity is present in everyone, equally, everywhere! The more one does yoga, the more this is revealed to be the case. A sentient awareness is available to guide us all, anytime we stop to tap into it.
Why do you practice yoga?
I have been practicing since early childhood, as my family were yogis (3 uncles) and Ayurvedic doctors (father and one uncle). My mother is also a very devotional person who reads the Bhagavad Gita daily. So, for me, this was a natural path. I studied in the Himalayas as a school for the Vedic wisdom since age 8. So, this was the tradition very steeped in my area. Also, I do yoga daily still, because yoga brings the nervous system a place of calm. It brings us to comfort with who we are. It helps to bring ideas into action and reveals our true nature as joyful, playful, fearless and expansive.
What’s been your biggest life challenge?
Modern life is quite busy for everyone. I work at balancing my family life and self care with my busy schedule of yoga teaching internationally. I feel the need to teach as much as possible to keep the core spirit of yoga alive today. But we also have to surrender and do what we can without expectation.
What's currently #1 on your bucket list?
I founded an Ashram that is a YTT teacher training centre and yoga education centre. I would really like to build a centre for silence and meditation for people who would like to go deeper in this way. I have done a lot of periods of silence in my life and I would like to share the transformative power of silence.