A few years ago I stumbled on a Wanderlust Speakeasy video featuring Keith Mitchell, former NFL Pro Bowl Player turned mindfulness/nutrition expert. The lecture was compelling – he was funny, intelligent, and his story of being paralyzed in a game and healing himself through breath, meditation and later yoga and nutrition was nothing short of astounding.
Keith represents what it means to be a SoulJour – He transcended a devastating setback into his greatest gift through holistic healing methods. I never forgot this video and a couple of years later after I launched SoulJour, I reached out to him and many months later, found myself working out with him in Los Angeles. Manifesting in full force.
Working out in LA. Pre-Sebi lifestyle change.
On April 1, I began what I thought was a month long cleanse to prepare for a screw I was having removed from my knee. Little did I know, Keith’s program would soon become my lifestyle.
Keith introduced me to the world of Dr. Sebi and the importance of an alkaline, electric, vegan diet. Dr. Sebi was a disrupter – a self-taught, pioneer herbalist & biochemist from Honduras. He cured thousands of people all over the world from serious diseases – cancer, AIDS, diabetes, obesity, auto-immune issues, asthma. You name it. He cured it. His nutrition program rids of the body of mucous and inflammation. He recommends eating foods from a specific list – foods originally made by earth and not man (hybrid foods). These foods literally have more electricity in them. Turns out, when you eat higher frequency foods, your own frequency raises!
Within a week of starting Keith’s supplements, I noticed a huge difference. Already a very clean eater living a super healthy lifestyle, having breakthroughs like this was rare. I experienced more sustained energy, my skin cleared up, my chronic muscle pain subsided, and my athlete’s foot that I’ve had my whole life literally started to disintegrate! I went into my knee surgery prepared and the recovery was fast – I was back on a mountain bike in a month!
I was so impressed by it all that when Keith told me he was taking a group to USHA Village – Dr. Sebi’s Healing Center in Honduras, I jumped on the opportunity. I even brought my 9-year old son. Last August we ventured to the jungle to soak, drink, steam in the most alkaline geothermal water in the world, experience the famous Duck Plant, learn more about these plants and the lifestyle, rest, deeply practice yoga/meditation, workout with Keith, and finally, to meet new friends who were also committed to their own healing.
High mineral supplements including lymph cleaner, cell repair, bone repair, strength & stamina, and an overall daily maintenance powder.
6 months later at USHA. Post Sebi lifestyle change.
What an incredible experience! My son soaked in the program as much as an adult. Iron and magnesium ruled our 8-days there and we left feeling the best we’d ever felt. EVER.
9 months later I can report that while I’m not a 100% strict vegan (I do have an occasional slip), I do my best to stick to the diet. And I take Keith’s supplements daily. This lifestyle really does make me feel my strongest and most vital!
Morning soak.
Jungle hike to learn about the plants
Are you interested in experiencing holistic healing in the amazing Honduran jungle alongside Keith or myself? This is an incredibly potent way to heal in a short amount of time. Keith will be taking 2 groups April 20 – 27 and April 27 – May 4. Or maximize your experience and stay for 2 weeks! I’ll be taking a group in August on a Jungle Adventure & Holistic Healing Trip August 9-18.
Get the details on Keith’s upcoming healing journey.